Mobility study Paramaribo
Paramribo, Suriname
Project Name:
Study on the characterization of mobility in Paramaribo
Inter-American Development Bank
Period: May 2017 – August 2017 (3 months)
Location: Paramaribo
Project description:
The primary objectives of this study are:
- Undertake a diagnosis and study of the “general characterization of mobility” in Paramaribo based on secondary information and field work, in order to obtain patterns of mobility in 3 important corridors of the city (Kwattaweg/ Henck Arronstraat and Zwartenhovenbrugstraat).
- Create an Action Plan for Mobility to promote more sustainable urban mobility and lifestyles in the city in the short-, medium-, and long-terms; to include the identification, planning and prioritization of the main challenges, opportunities for improvement, areas for intervention, activities and strategic actions.
The list of activities are:
- Review existing studies and available information.
- Characterize mobility in Paramaribo based on field research and secondary information.
Study mobility in the main corridor Kwattaweg – Henk Aronstraat and Zwartenhovenbrugstraat (included Soldatenstraat) on the following subjects:
- Public transport
- Private Transport
- Origin and destination traffic
- Vehicle speeds and classifications
- Action Plan for Mobility:
Create an Action Plan for Mobility to promote more sustainable urban mobility and lifestyles in the city in the short-, medium-, and long-terms; to include the identification, planning and prioritization of the main challenges, opportunities for improvement, areas for intervention, activities and strategic actions
- Workplan
- Preliminary report
- Final report
- Powerpoint presentation